
fuck off

  1. go away (used to angrily dismiss someone).
  2. make someone angry.

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The meaning of FUCK OFF is to go away —usually used as an angry command.
a rude phrase meaning to annoy or upset someone very much: You speak to me as if I'm stupid and it really fucks me off.
Verb · (intransitive, idiomatic). To go to hell; to disappear or go away; to screw oneself. I wish you'd just fuck off. · (transitive, idiomatic, UK, Ireland, ...
Fuck off definition: a person who shirks responsibility or wastes time; malingerer; goldbrick. . See examples of FUCK OFF used in a sentence.
(command) An exclamation of contempt with the intent of breaking rapport, usually directed towards an antagonist to go away or mind their own business.
4 senses: 1. a forceful expression of dismissal or contempt 2. to go away 3. to irritate or annoy (a person) 4. very large or.
fuck off · verb. leave immediately; used usually in the imperative form. synonyms: bugger off, buzz off, get, scram · verb. get sexual gratification through ...
26. 10. 2023 · Muck Sticky - The “F**k Off” song… 4.5K. Dislike. 139. Share. Video unavailable. This content isn't available. Skip video.
Vicious, aggressive, intimidating. (UK, Ireland, Commonwealth, vulgar, slang) Dissuasively or intimidatingly large; massive.