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Boiga dendrophila z webu
... mangrove snake , Boiga dendrophila . The Snake 6 : 99-100 . Chiszar , D. , K. Kandler , R. Lee , and H.M. Smith . 1988. Stimulus control of predatory attack in the brown tree snake ( Boiga irregularis ) . 2. Use of chemical cues during ...
Boiga dendrophila z webu
... Boiga cynodon is frequently confused with the young pythons by various Mindanao peoples . BOIGA DENDROPHILA ( Boie ) Dipsas dendrophila BOIE , Isis ( 1827 ) 549 ; WAGLER , Icon . Amph . ( 1828 ) pl . 8 ; Syst . Amph . ( 1830 ) 181 ...
Boiga dendrophila z webu
... BOIGA Fitzinger . 1803 Hurria . Daudin , part , Bull . Soc . Philom . Paris . III , No 72 , p 187 [ type Hurria ... dendrophila = Boiga dendrophila ( Boie ) ] . 1853 Opetiodon . Dumeril , Prodr . Class . Ophid . p 98 [ type O ...
Boiga dendrophila z webu
... Boiga dendrophila divergens Taylor . Boiga dendrophila divergens TAYLOR , Snakes of the Philippine Islands ( 1922 ) 201 . Two specimens of this recently described form have been taken ; one ( No. 301 ) in Polillo , the other ( No ...
Boiga dendrophila z webu
... Boiga dendrophila Venom 84-012949 Bolitoglossa Evolution 84-002546 84-002621 84-005821 84-005964 Bitis caudalis Agonistic Behavior 84-005879 Breeding 84-005879 Courtship Behavior 84-005879 Intraspecies Relationships 84-005879 Venom ...
Boiga dendrophila z webu
... Mangrove snake Cryptosporidium Cryptosporidium Cryptosporidium Cryptosporidium continued E. o . quadrivittata E ... Boiga dendrophila C. horridus C. atrioca udatus C. I. lepidus Yellow rat snake Texas rat snake Corn snake Western ...
Boiga dendrophila z webu
... Boiga dendrophila .-- . Cyclagras gigas . Diadophis punctatus_ . Drymarchon corais couperi Drymobius bifossatus ... Mangrove snake ............ . Cobra - de - Paraguay ... . Ring - necked snake ............ Indigo snake___ ...
Boiga dendrophila z webu
... mangrove snake ( See Boiga dendrophila . ) mano de piedra ( See Bothrops nummifer . ) many - ringed snake ( See Vermicella multifasciata . ) mapana ( See Lachesis mutus . ) mapanare cejuda ( See Bothrops schlegelii . ) mapipire ( See ...
Boiga dendrophila z webu
... Boiga dendrophila . Dipsadomorphus dendrophilus , Boulenger , p . 169 ; M. A. Smith , Journ . N.H.S. Siam , II , 1916 , p . 162 P. Siam ) . Boiga dendrophila , Sworder , S'pore . Nat . No. 2 , 1922 , p . 66. ( Singa- pore ) . Very ...
Boiga dendrophila z webu
... Boiga dendrophila , Cope , Proc . Ac . Philad . 1860 , p . 264 . Dipsas ( Triglyphodon ) gemmicincta , Peters , Mon. Berl . Ac . 1861 , p . 688 . Anterior palatine teeth scarcely longer than the posterior ; ante- rior mandibular teeth ...