Country, Date, Collector + collecting number, Herbaria, Type, Scan, Derivatives. Oldeman T-948. Citation: Trois Saut, Oldeman T-948
image, phylogeny, nomenclature for Nautilocalyx kohlerioides. ... Nautilocalyx kohlerioides, IPNI record (GCI) · Gesneriaceae · TAMU Image Gallery ...
... Nautilocalyx kohlerioides (Leeuwenb.) Wiehler. 28 DATA; 2 ARTICLES. 1 taxon page. apply filters. What is EOL? What's New? The EOL Forum · Education · Citing EOL ...
Nautilocalyx. Family: Gesneriaceae. Nautilocalyx image. Resources ... Nautilocalyx kohlerioides. Images not available. Nautilocalyx lehmannii. Images
Sources of data Nautilocalyx kohlerioides () (inventories, collectors / déterminateurs, organizations, data transmission)
Nautilocalyx kohlerioides (Lwbg.) Wiehler, comb. nov. (Figure 113). Episcia kohlerioides Lwbg., Acta Bot. Neerl. 13:61, fig. 2. 1964. TYPE: Irwin et al ...
Habitat in relation with the taxa Nautilocalyx kohlerioides (Leeuwenb.) Wiehler, 1978.
Nautilocalyx hirtiflorus (Spruce ex Hanst.) Sprague Nautilocalyx kohlerioides (Leeuwenb.) Wiehler Nautilocalyx lucianii (Linden & E. Fourn.) Wiehler
Nautilocalyx kohlerioides. (Leeuwenb.) Wiehler. Ícone WFO. FB84046. Accepted Name, Correct name. Taxonomic Hierarchy. Relevant Synonyms. Has as a synonym.
with a few flowers and young fruits in October. Nautilocalyx paujiensis resembles N. kohlerioides (Leeuwenb.) Wiehler, from the basin of the Oyapock river ...