... Nautilocalyx kohlerioides , Nautilocalyx whitei , Reldia veraguensis . Seeds would be a possibility , but I have been pretty bad at that aspect of cul- ture with this family . " If you can help , contact Dr. Russo at < ptm5739@montana ...
... Nautilocalyx - in N. kohlerioides , N. porphyro- trichus , etc. Paradrymonia - in undescribed species and pro- Drymonia * First published in Selbyana 5 ( 1 ) : 16. 1978 . bably in P. hansteiniana . probably in D. conchocalyx and others ...
... kohlerioides ( Leeuwenb . ) Wiehler , from the basin of the Oyapock river in Amapá ( Brazil ) and French Guiana . It differs from N. kohlerioides ... Nautilocalyx paujiensis Feuillet , New species of Nautilocalyx from the Venezuelan Guayana ...