$7.99 Out of stock
Unique looking carrot family biennial or short-lived perennial. Valuable for blooming in the peak of summer! Probably discovered and used for the first time ...
$4.50 In stock
This is the earliest species to bloom, starting in late July or early August, and tends to be shorter, topping out at about 3 to 4 feet.
$8.99 In stock
An uncommon umbellifer with a long season of interest; yellow flowers held on heavily branched heads are stunning from summer through fall; seed heads are ...
This patrinia forms a large rosette of jagged green leaves and begins flowering in its second year. Stalks reaching 1.3 m hold layer upon layer of lacy yellow ...
Patrinia monandra is a species of plants with 122 observations.
Patrinia monandra thrives best in full sun, where it can receive unfiltered sunlight for at least 6-8 hours per day. This optimal exposure promotes vigorous ...
Calyx small, 5-dentate. Corolla yellow or pale yellow, rarely white, funnelform; tube 1.2-1.8 mm, 1.4-1.8 mm in diam.; limb 2-4 mm wide; lobes ovate to ovate- ...
£6.00 Out of stock
A tall self supporting plant that has flat heads of many tiny apple green flowers that fade beautifully and have glorious seed heads throughout Winter.
Patrinia monandra. Patrina aff. punctiflora © Jason Ingram. Large rosettes of heavily branched flowerheads covered in tiny, yellow flowers, followed by ...
The native range of this species is Central Himalaya to China, Taiwan. It is a biennial or perennial and grows primarily in the temperate biome.