Patrinia intermedia is a species of plants with 218 observations.
Bot. Hafn. 1: 48. 1813. Herbs, perennial, 10-40(-55) cm tall. Taproot to ca. 20 cm, to ca. 2 cm in diam., fleshy; caudex stout, multiple branched. Stems 10-55 ...
The native range of this species is Central Asia to SW. Siberia and Mongolia. It is a perennial and grows primarily in the temperate biome.
Caprifoliaceae: genus; Patrinia: species; Patrinia intermedia. Name. Synonyms: Fedia intermedia Hornem. Fedia ruthenica Mirb. Patrinia nudiuscula Fisch.
Patrinia intermedia makes low mats of large dark green textured leaves and has loose sprays of soft yellow flowers that will continue flowering for most of the summer.
Patrinia is a genus of herbaceous plants in the honeysuckle family (Caprifoliaceae). It includes 14 species native to grassy mountain habitats.
Patrinia intermedia (Hornem.) Roem. & Schult. ; Family: Caprifoliaceae. Patrinia intermedia image. Resources. Internal Resources. 13 occurrences · Taxonomic Tree.
Family: Caprifoliaceae; Native to GB / Ireland: No; Genus. Patrinia. Genus description. Patrinia are clump-forming, herbaceous perennials with long-stemmed ...
Genus Patrinia · Patrinia intermedia; Photo Browser. Photos of Patrinia intermedia. Filter by Place. Order by: Faves. Faves; Date Added. Photo Licensing: Any.
Type, photo. Species, Patrinia intermedia. Life stage, flowering. Sex, unknown. Date, 2018-06-25. User, Ruurd van Donkelaar. Location, Ysyk-Köl (Kyrgyzstan).