... 18 Cucurbitaceae The Cucurbitaceae, also called cucurbits and the. Vegetation plants of Patrinia villosa (Photo by Zhenghao Xu) Stem and cauline opposite leaves of Patrinia villosa ( Photo. 17.3 Patrinia villosa (Thunb.) Juss. 415.
... Patrinia scabiosaefolia inhibits colorectal cancer growth through suppression of tumor angiogenesis . Oncol . Reports 30 : 1439-43 . 5. Song , T. et al . 2012. Antitumor effect of extracts of Patrinia villosa Juss . Shizhen Guoyi Guoyao ...
... Patrinia. scabiosaefolia,. Patrinia. villosa. Chinese Name(s): bai jiang, huang hua long ya, bai jiang cao, long ya bai jiang, ku zhai. Source: This medicine is made of the whole plants of Patrinia scabiosaefolia (Patrinia scabiosaefolia ...
... Patrinia Juss . Patrinia villosa Juss .; DC . Prodr . IV . p . 624 ; FRANCH . et SAVAT . Enum . Pl . Jap . I. p . 216 ; FORBES et HEMSL . Ind . Fl . Sin . I. p . 398 ; HENRY , List Pl . Forinos . p . 51 ; Diels , Fl . Centr . Chin . in ...
... Patrinia [ Source ] Initially appeared in Shen Nong's Classic of the Materia Medica in the Eastern Han Dynasty ( about 200 A.D. ) . It is the dried whole plant of Patrinia scabiosaefolia Fisch . and Patrinia villosa Juss , two kinds of ...
... Patrinia scabiosaefolia Fisch . ( Valerianaceae ) [ T. Kimura ] Huang - hua - long - ya ( C ) , Ominaeshi ( J ) , Ma - ta - ri ( K ) Related Plant : Patrinia villosa Juss .: Bai - hua - bai - jiang ( C ) , Otokoeshi ( J ) . Root Local ...
... Patrinia scabiosaefolia or Patrinia villosa. Subaijiang In Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Hunan and Hubei, the product used is Subaijiang, which is the whole herb of the cruciferous plant Ximing. The whole herb with fruit attached is 15 - 55cm ...