Species tulips are the ancestors of the garden hybrids described in the final chapter, and this full account will help gardeners refine their growing skills and enhance their enjoyment of tulips as a whole."--BOOK JACKET.
... Tulipa , 60-63 , 126-130 ; April and May photos Tulipa aucherana , 63 Tulipa batalini . See T. linifolia Tulipa ... hageri . See T. whittallii Tulipa humilis . See T. aucherana Tulipa kaufmanniana , 65-66 ; April photo Tulipa ...
Sir William Jackson Hooker. TULIPA HAGERI . Native of Greece . Nat . Ord . LILIACEE . - Tribe TULIPEE . Genus TULIPA , Linn . ( Baker in Journ . Linn . Soc . , vol . xiv . , p . 275 ) . TULIPA Hageri ; bulbo ovoideo tunicis membranaceis ...
... TULIPA . This large genus comprises over 80 species , a number of recognized botanical varieties , and perhaps materially over 2,000 garden varieties . Originally ... Tulipa Starch of Tulipa hageri Plate 31, Figs 181 and 182 Chart 129.