Goodyera repens

Goodyera repens (L.) R. Br.

Orchidaceae – Orchid family

Conservation status. Endangered [EN B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii)]. BDA, CITES(2). Relict.

Morphology and biology. Perennial plant with creeping at the ground surface rhizome and stolons, which develop leafy shoots. Flowering shoots 10–20(30) cm, with a basal rosette of 3–7 leaves. Leaves cordate, with a wide petiole and white reticulate veins, 1.5–7 × 0.5–2 cm. Inflorescence with 5–15 flowers, spirally arranged. Flowers small, white, scented. Sepals and petals 3–5 mm, pubescent outside. Fl. VI–VII, fr. VIII. Insect pollination. Reproduction by stolons and by seeds. The emerging leaf-rosettes develop in autumn and overwinter.

Habitats and populations. Pine and fir forests, mixed coniferous and sometimes coniferous-deciduous forests, usually of old, century-aged trees. Found in semi-shaded places with a fresh, more often slightly alkaline soils, usually with abundant moss cover. Nine populations have been recorded so far, of which 4 of them have been monitored for the past 15 years. The largest population, in the area of Chervenata Stena peak in Rhodopi Mts, covers approx. 3 km2 and has an uneven spatial structure with dispersed areas of 0.2–1 m2.

Distribution in Bulgaria. Locally in Balkan Range (Central – Mahnatite Skali locality above Stoevtsi village), Rhodopi Mts (Western – Brashten village; Central – Dobrostan, Zarenishki Ridge, Byala Cherkva, vicinities of the villages Dobralak, Sitovo, Slaveino, Orehovo, Hvoina); 800–1500 m alt.

General distribution. Circumpolar in the countries with boreal climate, to the south locally in mountains.

Threats. Limited distribution; clearings in the forests.

Conservation measures taken. Protected species according to the Biodiversity Act. Some populations are in Chervenata Stena Strict Nature Reserve and Balgarka Nature Park. Some localities are within sites of the European ecological network Natura 2000 in Bulgaria.

Conservation measures needed. Studies on the population status; designation of new protected areas; change in the timber production practices by clear cuttings in centuries-old forests.

References. Stoyanov 1934a; Delipavlov 1964; Stanev 1979a, 1984; Petrova et al. 1998; Delforge 2006; Marinov 2009; Tashev 2010.

Author: Antoaneta Petrova

Goodyera repens (distribution map)

Goodyera repens (drawing)