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Flora Emslandia - Plants in Emsland (northwestern Germany)

Rough chervil

Chaerophyllum temulum, rough chervil, flowers Chaerophyllum temulum, rough chervil, nodes Chaerophyllum temulum, rough chervil, leaf Chaerophyllum temulum, rough chervil, involucel Chaerophyllum temulum, rough chervil, fruits

Inflorescence, node, leaf, involucel and fruits of the
rough chervil


Chaerophyllum temulum L.:
Blooming period: May–July
Height: 30–100 cm
Flowers: Ø approx. 2 mm, bisexual, stamens: 5, styles: 2
Petals: 5, white, notched, the marginal ones slightly enlarged
Calyx teeth: inconspicuous
Stem leaves: alternate, 2- to 3-fold pinnate
Basal leaves:stalked, 2- to 3-fold pinnate

Biennial plant, with spindle-shaped taproot.

Stem erect, red-purple, spotted red at the base, solid, bristly, grooved, angular, branched at the top. Below the nodes thickened.

Basal leaves stalked, 2- to 3-fold pinnate, densely or loosely hairy on both sides.

Stem leaves 3–6, alternate, stalked or sessile, lower leaves similar to the basal leaves, upper leaves smaller and often only simply pinnate.

Inflorescence: double umbel; umbel with 5 to 11 rays, slightly convex, involucre usually missing.

Raylet leaves (involucel) 6–9, ciliated and membranous at the margin, broad lanceolate, pointed, slightly fused at the base. Umbellules with 7 to 14 flowers.

The marginal petals are slightly enlarged. Kronblätter emarginate or notched to the halfway, not ciliated.

The two styles are about as long as the stylopodium, easily spreading or upright.

From the ovary after insect pollination developed a 2-piece, 4–6 mm long, narrow ovate to lance-shaped, slightly flattened, not beaked, dark brown schizocarp with 10 flat and indistinct, light brown ribs. Plant slightly toxic!

Floral formula:
*–↓ K5 C5 A5 G(2) inferior

Forests, forest edges, thickets, ruderal areas. Prefers easily shaded, slightly warm, slightly moist and rather nitrogenous locations.

Central Europe, northwest Africa, Turkey and the former Soviet Union.