Family: Geraniaceae

Scientific Name: Geranium macrorrhizum Ingwersen's Variety

Common Name: Geranium Ingwersen's Variety


'Ingwersen's variety' Geranium (Geranium macrorrhizum) An aggressive, drought-tolerant Geranium that spreads by rhizomes forming an impenetrable ground cover. Grows best in the full sun, medium height, and wide-spreading.

Plant TypePerennials Hardy, Site author's observations
Hardiness Zone3-8
Sunlightgrows best in full sun
Moistureaverage, will tolerate dryness
Soil & Siteaverage
Flowerspink, one inch flowers, start blooming the end of May for 2-4 weeks.
Fruitdistinctive beaked seed capsules, hence the common name of crane’s bill, geranium in Greek means crane
Leaves6-8" wide leaves, pale green, slightly glossy, scented
Dimensions12-16" tall, spreads over 24"
MaintenanceToward the end of the summer it can start to look a little ragged. I find myself either lightly shearing this plant or hand plucking out the yellow leaves. The plant will quickly respond by producing a new flush of foliage.
Propagationeasily from division of rhizomes
Native SiteMount Koprivnik, Yugoslavia.
Cultivar OriginFound by Walter Ingwerson in 1929 Mount Koprivnik, Yugoslavia.
Misc FactsHas been reported to grow in dry shade
Author's NotesI have a planting of this by my patio. It gets a half day of full sun and thrives. Each year I need to cut 6-8 inches out of the outer edge. It likes to run over any thing that is in it's way. Especially a planting of 6 Astilbe Visions Red. Also next to this is a planting of Geranium Biokovo. It blooms a light pink after the Geranium Ingwersen's Variety is done.
Notes & Reference#29-Hardy Geraniums (Peter F. Yeo), #231- The Gardeners Guide to Growing Hardy Geraniums (Trevor Bath, Joy Jones)
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