Tree of Savior Forum

Perhaps a Shoutbox?

Some other forums I’ve been using in the past have had shoutboxs and have been pretty useful for general talk and quick answers, something like this:


Discourse Plugin:


This would be amazing indeed! And could possibly reduce the amount of unnecessary threads.

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I support this idea! Make it happen IMC!

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Nah, a shoutbox would create the need of having a mod monitoring it 24/7 to avoid inappropriate conversations. Not gonna happen.


I’ve got a feeling this community will grow exponentially in a short amount of time and that in time wouldn’t be a problem :stuck_out_tongue:[quote=“MementoMori, post:6, topic:820”]
shoutbox plugin for Discourse

Works already been done my friend =)

I agree with @Shiro, furthermore I doubt that IMC is going to spend time developping a shoutbox plugin for Discourse.

Indeed! :) However this plugin seems to be quite new and untested, I would really be afraid to deploy it on production servers (security, maintenance and performance issues).

Hopefully they can sort something out safety and efficiently =)

+1 for a shoutbox.
+over9k for Polish Community Forum.

I’ll be honest, this forum is so streamlined compared to all other forums I’ve used that it may as well be considered a shoutbox. They could just make a spam forum for people to make throwaway chat threads in.

don’t you think it will be bit much later on, when the game gets even more popular, the crowd changes itself to a 20k twitch chat, not that I have something against, :black_joker: but yeah, don’t think you will be able to talk with a small group there.

Kappa. Yeah, I suppose you’re right, although adding sub-forums could help alleviate that problem.

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:black_joker: <-- he is my kappa from now on.

Sub forums would be nice. A shoutbox itself seems a bit awkward since every thread can turn out to be that shoutbox for it being"active" oO

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lol actually I see this forum updates fast as a Shoutbox so no need.

This forum is fairly active in the way it presents itself, a shoutbox seems unnecessary. Better to talk in-game.

Even the main page is connected to the forum, which is pretty nice. So if your looking for info or just chatting with fellow players, this type of forum made it so it’s easy to get notified as if this was a chatbox.

i agree with Fate,

a shoutbox would overflood the forum, to many people would post something and the genereall idea of a shoutbox would get lost.

We have hundreds of active users in 1 day. Imagine if most of them flock together in shoutbox. It’s not even a discussion, not even a conversation. Just some random text spams IMO.

Reminds me of Twitch with Darude playing xD

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yeah thats what i wanted say with that.
its for sure the best decision for bit chatting :black_joker:

A shoutbox will be a place to ask “is server down?” during maintenance even if a notice for maintenance was put up several days in advance.

I do not support the notion of the shoutbox. XD

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