Transformers Double Birthday Cake

In addition to a pink ruffles and gold cake, I also filled an order for a transformers cake for two brothers who share a birthday month.  One side is Bubble Bee and the other Optimus Prime.  Now I’m not real big into super heroes, but I will say that Transformers is one movie I did watch and actually enjoy, so I had at least a little bit of reference for this cake.

The mom of the boys provided me with two action figures of the top of the cake, making decorating this cake a little more simple.

First I made a transformers logo.  I printed out the logo in the size I wanted it, then cut out the pieces in grey and black fondant.  The logo is going to split the two sides of the cake on the front side.

Next, I rolled out two sheets of fondant, one in yellow and the other blue, each large enough to cover half of the cake.  I then cut one straight edge on each sheet and rolled them together to created one large sheet cut in half of two colors.


After applying the fondant to the cake, I had a little bit of separation happening between the two colored sheets, because I didn’t get them seal together well enough.  To fix this issue, I pinched the two colors together and then I used a strip of black fondant as a stripe now the middle to cover the seam.  It worked out well since the bubble bee side was going to be decorated in black stripes any ways.  I also used the Transformers logo on the front side of the cake over the seam.  The black stripe met the top of the logo.




For the Optimus Prime side, I simply rolled out a sheet of red fondant long enough to met the black center stripe in the back and the Transformers logo in the front. Then using an exacto knife (I keep one in the kitchen specifically for fondant) I cut out a flame shaped border (which for some reason I didn’t take a picture of. Sorry!).

Next, I placed the action figures on the top of the cake. Because the cake top isn’t as flat and solid as a table top, Bubble Bee kept falling over.  Using fondant and some toothpicks, I was able to get him to stand up.


Since this birthday cake was only a two layer 8 inch chocolate cake, I didn’t have much room to work with for decor and details, so I had to think outside the box a little. I had no room to put the boys names on the cake one I got the action figures on, and the cake board was just the perfect size for the finished cake.  So I printed out two small speech bubbles with “Happy Birthday Houston” and “Happy Birthday William” on them.  I then attached these each to a cake pop stick and stuck them in the hands of the Transformers.


I hope both of these boys have a very happy birthday and enjoy this cake as much as I enjoyed making it!

Happy birthday Houston and William!

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