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Orchid Paradise

I’m excited to share some photos from a recent Orchid Show, titled Untamed, at the Chicago Botanic Garden. I’ve seen orchids in abundance in Hawaii and growing in the Costa Rican jungles like weeds. But I’ve never seen the variety as I did at this show, and I want to share some of the photos with you, so you too can enjoy a few moments of peace.

The blooms were incredibly diverse and spectacular in colors, sizes, and styles. Orchids were speckled, spotted, and striped. Some reminded me of other flowers, such as narcissist, and the patterns on animals, such as giraffes or wild cats.

Orchids were arranged with other tropical plants in assortments hanging overhead, on the ground, and everywhere in between. Guests were treated to a paradise overflowing with orchids.

Orchidaceae, commonly called orchid, is a diverse flowering plant with about 28,000 accepted species. Many are fragrant, others have little-to-no scent, and some smell quite awful.

For home gardeners, growing orchids can be addictive but also challenging. If done well, the rewards are abundant with plants that bloom for many years.

According to the American Orchid Society, the trick to successful orchid gardening is determining the correct balance of light, air, and water appropriate for each plant in its particular environment. When orchids do not get enough light, they do not bloom and their foliage is dark green rather than a desired yellow-green. The goal is to give the plants as much light as they can tolerate without burning.

Orchids need air circulation around the plant and roots. The recommendation is to water a 6” pot every 7 days on average insuring that the plants do not dry out. Water should run through the pot when watering allowing the potting medium (typically not soil) to soak and flush out the salt.

Orchids should be fed by watering the plants first and then adding the fertilizer at ½ strength stated in the directions on the packaging.

Most of the information in this post was taken from the American Orchid Society website. You can learn more about caring for these plants on their site.

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Responses to “Orchid Paradise”

  1. luisa zambrotta

    Such amazing flowers!
    Thanks for sharing these wonderful photos

    1. Mary K. Doyle

      Thank you, Luisa. I thought we all could use a few minutes of beauty.

      1. luisa zambrotta

        It is extremely necessary during this time.
        Thank you🙏🙏🙏

  2. sandyroybessandbugzy

    That was a cheerful beautiful post. Thank you so much Mary.❤

    1. Mary K. Doyle

      Thank you, Sandy. I thought we all could use a boost of joy.

      1. sandyroybessandbugzy

        Absolutely! You certainly made me smile. They are amazing to look at. Thank you again.

  3. Obong eno

    So beautiful ❤️

    1. Mary K. Doyle

      Thank you.

      1. Obong eno

        You are most welcome ❤️

  4. Carol

    Beautiful flowers

    1. Mary K. Doyle

      Thank you, Carol. I hope the orchids brought a smile to your face.

  5. msjadeli

    Orchids feel like they are more than plants, and the way they live in the air is extraordinary to me. Their endless variety is also a joy to the eyes. I love the Chicago Botanic Gardens and have been to them a few times. I live much closer to Meijer Gardens in Grand Rapids, MI, so that’s where I go now to see orchid shows.

    1. Mary K. Doyle

      Thank you for commenting. Meijer sounds like a beautiful haven for you.

      1. msjadeli

        You’re welcome and it is 🙂

  6. neyoullaaljurdi

    Love orchids 😍I tried to grow them in my house but they only survived it for a year 😔

    1. Mary K. Doyle

      Me too! I can’t seem to keep orchids growing. Next time, I’ll take my own advice and water thoroughly more often.

  7. Harshi

    Absolutely delightful! The joy of wandering in such a lovely and refreshing haven!

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