Acer ginnala – Amur Maple

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Acer ginnala or Amur Maple is a small deciduous tree or large shrub that originates from South-East Asia. It has several stems and a broad umbrella shaped crown, creating a spreading, dappled canopy. It is particularly useful in exposed sites where other plants will not thrive and will even grow in planters between high buildings where the wind creates a tunnelling effect. 

The autumn display from an Acer ginnala is certainly a sight to behold, going through bright yellows and oranges to a deep crimson red. The bright red winged seeds during the summer months are another attractive feature of the tree.


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Flowers:  Greenish white umbels in late spring

Fruit:  Bright red winged seeds

Bark:  Smooth grey bark

Leaves:  Deciduous, three lobed leaves, the middle lobe being longer than the outer two.  Fresh green in colour

Autumn colour:  Bright orange to red

Ultimate height:  6m

Uses:  They are able to cope with harsh conditions such as strong winds and poor soil.  Their autumn display is quite spectacular

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