Brassica oleracea L. var. botrytis L. 30+ fresh seeds. Сauliflower Igloo white seeds

Oreshka seeds
Iglu is a medium-late variety of cauliflower. From germination to maturation 110-130 days. The heads are milky-white, dense, large, weighing 1.5-1.7 kg, with a lack of moisture and high temperatures, they become loose. As soon as the head begins to form, it is necessary to break 2-3 leaves and cover the forming fruit with them. This technique contributes to the formation of dense heads and preserves their white color.
"Iglu" has a high yield and excellent taste. Intended for fresh consumption and freezing.

Sowing seeds for seedlings
In the climatic zones of Ukraine, cauliflower is grown by seedling method. For early consumption, seeds are sown in heated greenhouses or under film shelters in mid-March. For summer use, sowing is carried out in the open ground in mid-may, for late use - from the end of June to the beginning of July, then 35-45 day seedlings are planted in a permanent place.
See also