
Livin off borrowed time the clock tick faster

“Me trying to eat healthy things


Me trying to eat healthy things

“Hummingbirds such as the stunning Wire-crested Thorntail go into torpor at night to conserve energy. Torpor is a hibernation-like state where body temperature and metabolic rate are reduced. / via


Hummingbirds such as the stunning Wire-crested Thorntail go into torpor at night to conserve energy. Torpor is a hibernation-like state where body temperature and metabolic rate are reduced. / via

“Toucan Barbets practice cooperative breeding, meaning that the dominant pair will reproduce and several helpers will aid them in incubating the eggs, feeding the chicks and protecting the brood from predators. / via


Toucan Barbets practice cooperative breeding, meaning that the dominant pair will reproduce and several helpers will aid them in incubating the eggs, feeding the chicks and protecting the brood from predators. / via