Chaerophyllum temulum

Rough Chervil

Chaerophyllum temulum reaches heights of more than one meter and grows as a biennial. The flowering period in Central Europe can last from June to August. All parts of the plant are slightly poisonous and contain falcarinol.

Chaerophyllum temulum

Characteristics & Description

Height, habit: 30 to 120 centimeters, herbaceous plant
Life cycle: Biennial
Poisonous: Yes, is slightly toxic, contains falcarinol.
Origin: Asia, Europe, North Africa and as an introduced species also in some North American regions (distribution map)
USDA zone: 5 (-9.4 °F/-23 °C)

Chaerophyllum temulum


Name: Chaerophyllum temulum
Family: Apiaceae

Chaerophyllum temulum

Categories: Wildflowers |

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