Euphorbia epithymoides

Cushion Spurge

Euphorbia epithymoides
Euphorbia epithymoides
Price: £2.95
This is a very tidy plant, a bushy, almost shrubby, species forming a hemispherical clump of bright green foliage, and laden in April and May with rounded heads of bright yellow flowers. Hardy throughout the British Isles. 1½ft (45cm)

Please note all parts of the plant of all Euphorbia species are toxic if ingested. The sap can also cause skin irritation so care should be taken when handling the plants.

Genus: Euphorbia

Species: epithymoides

Family Name: Euphorbiaceae

Synonym: E.polychroma

Seed Catalogue No.: 572J

English Name(s): Cushion Spurge

Hardiness: Hardy

Lifecycle: Perennial

Colour: Yellow/Orange

Flowers: April, May

Lighting Conditions: Full Sun

Soil Type: Chalk, Sand, Loam

Soil Acidity: Alkaline, Neutral, Acid

Moisture: Well-drained

Customer Reviews - Euphorbia epithymoides

Average Rating: 5 (5 of 5 based on 1 reviews)

Euphorbia epithymoides

Decent germination

Reviewed by Hugh on

6 or 7 seedlings germinated from the pack of seed, which is fair enough as they grow into quite sizable perennials.

Rating: 5/55

Chiltern Seeds Responded on 7th June 2023

Thank you for your review. These can be a little erratic to germinate, and may need a period of cold stratification for up to three months to break the dormancy of the seeds. We hope that your seedlings continue to do well for you and you enjoy time spent in your garden this year. The Chiltern Seeds Team.


Customer Review - Euphorbia epithymoides


Germination Instructions

Sow indoors. Surface sow onto moist well-drained seed compost. Just cover with vermiculite. Ideal temp. 15-18°C. Germination can be slow and erratic, taking from 2 weeks to several months. If germination does not occur cold stratify. Move to 4°C for 3 months then return to warmth. Ensure compost is moist at all times. Transplant seedlings when large enough to handle to 8cm pots and grow on. Acclimatise and plant out with 60cm spacing. Can be sown directly in autumn where overwintering should offer the natural cold/ warmth conditions required for germination.

Growing Instructions

Prefers a well-drained soil in full sun.

Cultivation Instructions

Deadhead or cut to shape to avoid self-seeding. Will self-seed freely, but excess seedlings are easily removed.

When to Sow

  • Sow Under Cover/Plant Indoors
  • Direct Sow/Plant Outdoors
  • Flowers/Harvest

Approximate number of seeds per packet: 35

Please note we pack the majority of our seeds by volume so the number of seeds indicated is only an approximation.