
Gentianella amarella - Autumn Gentian or Felwort

Phylum: Magnoliophyta - Class: Equisetopsida - Order: Gentianales - Family: Gentianaceae

Gentianella amarella, Autumn Gentian or Felwort in flower


Growing to a height of 25cm, Autumn Gentian is a biennial plant with a basal rosette of lanceolate leaves and a few paired unstalked stem leaves. Its bluish-purple (occasionally almost white) trumpet-shaped flowers, with petals flattened out at the top, are 15 to 20mm long; they have four or more often five pointed star-like petals, and there is a fringe of pale hairs at the throat of the corolla.

Gentianella amarella, Autumn Gentian or Felwort - closeup of flowers


Found throughout most of Britain and Ireland, Autumn Gentian is one of most common members of the family Gentianaceae. This species is also native to central and northern mainland Europe as well as parts of the USA and Canada.

Gentianella amarella, Autumn Gentian, South Wales


Autumn Gentian or Felwort favours sand dunes and other calcareous short-sward grassland.

Flowering time

Autumn Gentians can be seen in flower from July to October.


This page includes pictures kindly contributed by Betty and Tony Rackham.

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