Rhamnus cathartica

Common Buckthorn


Nom français: Nerprun cathartique, Nerprun purgatif

Description 3

Deciduous shrub, or small tree, growing up to 10 meters tall. Branches are often thorny. Bark is brown-grey and has lenticels; can look similar to the cherry trees bark. Fruit is a black drupe. It often form very dense colonies in the understory.

Ecology 3

It was introduced to North America as an ornamental shrub in the early 19th century and is now widely naturalized. It is considered as an invasive plant in several US states and in Canadian provinces, especially in urban and suburban areas. It is a shade tolerant fast growing shrub, which makes it a ferocious competitor in the understory. Rhamnus cathartica is difficult to control in its invasive range, because it sprouts vigorously and repeatedly from the root collar following cutting, girdling or burning. There are programs in Montreal (on the Mont-Royal for example, and in many other boisés) to try to control buckthorn growth and spread. The tree also produces root exudates and compounds in its bark, leaves and fruits eventually forming the litter which may reduce germination of other plant species in the soil. This strategy is called allelopathy.

Uses 3

The berries are a strong purgative and considered as mildly poisonous for humans and most animals. They are nonetheless readily eaten by birds, who disperse the seeds in their droppings. Could the laxative properties of the berries be an evolutive adaptation helping seed dispersal? When you think about it, many fruits have purgative effects (prunes and cherries for example). The purgative effect of bark and berries may have been used in traditional medicine (need more references).
The berries and the wood can be used to produce a dye or ink.The wood is dense, fibrous and has a beautiful bright color which makes it interesting for wood carving.

Sources and Credits

  1. (c) JanetandPhil, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC-ND), http://www.flickr.com/photos/30979614@N07/3943672583
  2. Carl Axel Magnus Lindman , no known copyright restrictions (public domain), http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:240_Rhamnus_cathartica.jpg
  3. (c) Alice Roy-Bolduc, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA)

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