Grass IV - soft brome

Grass IV - soft brome

Observation - Grass IV - soft brome - UK and Ireland. Description: Soft brome is the 3rd species of grass to become noticeable in the spring. It is common along waysid

Soft brome is the 3rd species of grass to become noticeable in the spring. It is common along waysides, including in urban areas, as well as occurring in grassy and waste places.
The inflorescence is a panicle of somewhat flattened spikelets that are somewhat soft to the touch. Open flowers (visible stamens) are rarely visible, but the flowering season is concentrated in late May. I have recorded plants from mid March to October.
Bromus is a difficult genus, though most species are later flowering. The other species flowering in May are Bromus commutatus and Bromus lepidus, but Bromus lepidus is rare, and Bromus commutatus absent from my area.