Wild Angelica

9cm Pot, Seed Packet, Seeds (per gram), Superplugs, Wildflower Plugs

Angelica sylvestris A Froth of white flowers often tinged with pink.

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Latin Name: Angelica sylvestris

Common Name(s): Wild Angelica

Plant Type: Perennial

Habitat: Marshland - Zone B, Moist Soil/Terrestrial Plant - Zone A, Shade


Pink, White



Flowering Time:

July - August

SKU: NS-MAIN-2442 Categories: , , , ,


The Latin specific epithet sylvestris means growing in woodland‚ However it tolerates a range of conditions including fields, hedgerows, open woods, marshes and fens. It will grow in light (sandy), medium (loamy) and heavy (clay) soils and prefers partial shade. It was used as a vegetable until the 20th century. The plant prevents scurvy, and it can be stored for a long time. The stem was eaten fresh, and the leaves could be boiled to a stew for storage. It could later be cooked up with milk into a tasty dish. The plant has also been used for dyeing.

Wild angelica produces white and pink flowers from mid to late summer.

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Natural Dye



Plant Type


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