Lamium maculatum 'Aureum' - Spotted Deadnettle

Spotted Deadnettle

Lamium maculatum 'Aureum'

Also called False Salvia

  • Clusters of deep pink hooded flowers
  • Variegated lemon-yellow foliage with silver centres
  • Serrated heart-shaped leaves
  • Excellent ground cover for dry shade
  • Sporadically reblooms
  • Bloom Time: Late spring to early summer


Purple (deep)

15-20 cm

50-60 cm

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Growing and Maintenance Tips:

Best grown in an average to moist, well-drained soil, in partial shade to full shade. Vigorous grower and very tolerant of dry, shady locations. Can fill in a large space in a short time, is manageable and not necessarily invasive. Hot, humid summers can cause foliage decline. If foliage becomes leggy or unruly, you can prune or mow  to promote a more compact, tidy habit. Pruning will also promote new blooms, forming sporadically throughout the summer and into the fall.

Additional Notes about Spotted Deadnettle:

Very vigorous grower. Can become invasive if not kept in check. Clippings should not be incuded in compost.