Hannibal's Oath

Hannibal takes an oath to hate Rome encouraged by his father, Hamilcar, who looks on

Hannibal Begins his journey

Hannibal, moving in Iberia across the Ebro River, declares war on Rome. Since Rome controlled the seas after the First Punic War, Hannibal attacks by land, with a large army that included 37 war elephants.

Hannibal's Route

Hannibal attacks Rome from Spain by land, using war elephants

Hannibal crossing the Rhone with war elephants

Hannibal crosses the Rhone River, now in modern-day France

Hannibal successfully rafts his elephants across the Rhone Rover

Hannibal crossing the Alps

Hannibal's men explode a large boulder, blocking their path through the Apls

Hannibal crosses the Alps with his army and war elephants

Hannibal lost many men and animals while crossing the Alps.

Hannibal riding Surus the elephant

Surus was Hannibal's personal elephant, his name means Syria, a country in the Middle East. Surus was most likely an Asian Elephant, and after Hannibal lost sight in one of his eyes, he could see much better on top of Surus.

Hannibal arrives in Italy, after crossing the Alps.

Hannibal arrives in Italy, after successfully crossing the Alps.

Second Punic War map

Battle of Cannae Map

The Archimedes Crow, used in the Roman siege of Syracuse

Syracuse, a former ally of Rome, switched sides and joined the Carthaginians after the Battle of Cannae. Rome laid siege to the city, but had to go up against Archimedes of Syracuse, a great inventor. Here his "Crow" is used to grab Roman ships in the harbor and shake them.

Archimedes Death (Heat) Ray, used against the Romans during the siege of Syracuse

Archimedes, inventor of Syracuse, was said to have used a heat ray to burn Roman ships in the harbor.

Battle of Zama map

Elephants at the Battle of Zama

Hannibal used war elephants against Scipio at Zama


Roman commander at Zama

Hannibal's elephant charge

With all the talk about the war elephants, they really did not have any impact on the war or any of the battles.

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