

Native to Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands


Scindapsus Aureus (Epipremnum Aureum) is a climber with large, glossy heart-shaped leaves. It is sometimes confused with Philodendron Scandens, but the Scindapsus has leaves variegated with streaks of yellow and cream, whereas the Philodendron has plain green leaves.


Scindapsus prefers bright indirect light, but it is a resilient plant and will also tolerate low light levels. The more light the plant gets, the more pronounced its leaf markings become. Scindapsus grown in lower light conditions will be almost entirely green with no variegation.


Grows well in normal room temperatures, around 10-24°C.

General Information

• This plant is nicknamed ‘Devil’s Ivy’, reputedly because it is almost impossible to kill. Its hardy nature makes it ideal for use in office or home environments. Another common name for this plant is Golden Pothos.

• Scindapsus is naturally a climbing plant, and can be grown up a moss pole for use as an upright specimen plant. It also looks great displayed as a hanging plant, with the leaves trailing downwards.

• Named as one of the top ten best air purifying plants – it’s great at filtering pollutants from the air.