Helleborus niger 'Snowbells'

Common Name: Christmas Rose

Rarely are Christmas Rose (Helleborus niger) started from seed and offered commercially wholesale. Walters Gardens hybridizing is pleased to offer such a strain in 'Snowbells' as an economical plug option to this favorite spring perennial. Semi-double, pure white flowers measure 2½-3" across, with five petals and additional petaloids at the center. Unlike H. hybridus types, these flowers are naturally side-facing versus downward-facing, so you can enjoy the bright white flowers with little effort. Because this is a H. niger, the bloom season will be much earlier than varieties like 'Wedding Bells' of the WEDDING PARTY™ series, blooming up to a month earlier, depending on your hardiness zone. Use in winter and holiday combination containers with evergreens or enjoy it in the landscape.

Hellebores are the harbingers of spring, blooming for six weeks or more beginning in late winter. This is the perfect plant for naturalizing in moist, woodland areas where its extensive root system will spread as far as it is allowed.

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