Wild Flowers Provence

Identify wild flowers, trees, shrubs, orchids and other plants in Provence, France.

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Around 2800 photos of nearly 700 wild plants: guide.

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Diplotaxis muralis

Annual Wall Rocket


Additional information

Plant family


Provence Verte

Flower colour


Flower size

10-15 mm

Flowering months


Leaf type


Pinnately lobed


15-50 cm


The lower part of the plant is rough and hairy, leaves mostly at the base. The flowering stems are hairless towards the top. The plant has an unpleasant smell.

Disturbed and waste ground, especially sandy.


Flowers are yellow in terminal clusters.


Pinnately lobed leaf with lobes both sides of a central midrib. Basal rosette: lobes along central midrib.
Stem leaves: linear, slightly lobed.

Fruits Seeds

Silique: two fused carpels in the form of a pod, 2-4 cm long.

How to use this page

• Click or touch the large image to see and scroll the images against a dark background.

• Click the "Go back" button to return to your plant search or filtered selection.

• Click on the Category or Plant family above to list plants in the same category or family.

• Click "Wild Plants" (or the website title) at the top of the page to start again.