Nine-year-old Aldo discovers the pleasures of doing volunteer work to help the older citizens of the community and the satisfactions of earning his first money on his own for unselfish reasons.
Are you looking for a great gift for a loved person or someone close to you? details journal : Size: 6" x 9" Pages: 110 pages Paper: white lined paper Cover: High-quality cover with a soft matte professional finish Check out a sample of the ...
This 120-page Aldo Journal features: 120 wide-ruled lined pages 6 x 9 inches in size - big enough for your daily writings and also small enough to take with you smooth white-color paper, perfect for ink, gel pens, pencils or even colored ...
Aldo Journal. A handsome, elegant, bold, & personalized notebook with the name Aldo. An Appreciation Gift of 120 Cream Pages Lined Writing Journal Notebook with Personalized Name. Can be used as a Diary or Notepad to write in.
"Details the life of Aldo Leopold, with chapters devoted to his early years, life, work, ecological writings, and legacy, as well as how children can follow in his footsteps"--Provided by publisher.