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The definitive text--completely updated and revised
inauthor:"Kenneth Murphy" z webu
This edition is thoroughly revised and up to date with significant developments in the field, especially on the topic of innate immunity.
inauthor:"Kenneth Murphy" z webu
Jetzt wieder auf dem neuesten Stand: DIE Einführung in die Immunologie für Studierende der Biowissenschaften und der Medizin Der Janeway, das bewährte und viel gelobte Standardlehrbuch der Immunologie, liegt nun erneut in einer ...
inauthor:"Kenneth Murphy" z webu
Each of the essays in this collection dissects the upheaval in a particular institution in transition, such as central banking, the trade union movement, capital markets, or corporate governance.
inauthor:"Kenneth Murphy" z webu
The state of Vietnam with its violent mixture of French colonialism, American imperialism and imperial traditions is examined here, as Murphy confronts his own history on a visit to Vietnam.
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In examining the lives of leading revolutionaries - Nicolai Bukharin, Milovan Djilas, Imre Nagy, and Alexander Dubcek - and writers - Andre Gide, Arthur Koestler, Ignazio Silone, and even the young Alexander Solzhenitsyn - who became ...
inauthor:"Kenneth Murphy" z webu
Inmunología de Janeway, es un texto que tiene la finalidad de contribuir a la formación académica-básica de los estudiantes de medicina, que cursan los primeros años de la licenciatura.
inauthor:"Kenneth Murphy" z webu
Immunobiologie est devenu un ouvrage classique à succès en raison du caractère complet et très à jour des notions rapportées.
inauthor:"Kenneth Murphy" z webu
His Unquiet Vietnam is a personal memoir of a visit to fragile and fractured old civilisations that are fast being replaced by a turbulent and aggressive new age."--