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Moše Gafni, hebrejsky משה גפני (* 5. května 1952 Bnej Brak, Tel Aviv) je izraelský politik a poslanec Knesetu za stranu Sjednocený judaismus Tóry.
Moshe Gafni is an Israeli politician, Member of the Knesset, and leader of the Ashkenazi Haredi party United Torah Judaism. Moshe Gafni. משה גפני.
Professor Gafni has written or edited more than 15 books on aspects of Jewish history, including Land, Center and Diaspora: Jewish Constructs in Late Antiquity.
Abraham J. Gafni was born June 29, 1939, in Brooklyn New York. He graduated from Yeshiva University (1960) with Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Hebrew ...
Ayla Gafni, Assistant Professor, Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University, 2016, Hume Hall 327, (662) 915-7422 | argafni@olemiss.edu
Dr. Gafni's primary interests involve the study of conditions affecting calcium and phosphate metabolism, the teeth, and the skeleton.
Gafni is a visionary thinker, social activist and passionate philosopher. He is known for his “source code teachings”, including Unique Self theory and the Five ...
World Philosopher | Author | Visionary Articulating a new worldview in response to existential risk. Discover the work: · Photo by Dr. Marc Gafni on January ...
Dr. Noa Gafni is a thought leader and expert in social innovation. Her career spans sectors and continents, from working with the World Economic Forum in ...