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This L.A. dad vowed he’d be ready for fires. His plan saved his home — and others
San Francisco Chronicle
The fight on Luna Vista: How one dad saved his home — and others — amid the wildfire siege of Pacific Palisades.
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Prominent coalition MK Gafni recorded backing immediate hostage deal ‘at any price’
The Times of Israel
“But here it is completely clear that this is also a case [in which on the line is] saving lives. Our position, I'm telling you here in this...
před 5 měsíci
Netanyahu 'desecrated Shabbat', says United Torah Judaism Knesset member Moshe Gafni
The Jerusalem Post
The leader of United Torah Judaism, MK Moshe Gafni, condemned the Prime Minister's Office on Saturday evening.
před 6 měsíci
UTJ Leader: 'Netanyahu knows that government will collapse without draft law'
Israel National News
UTJ leader Moshe Gafni commented that the coalition will collapse if legislation is not passed to resolve the issue of Yeshiva students and...
před 2 týdny
Exclusive: Yossi Gafni hired as CEO of broker white label solutions provider Wintrado
FX News Group
FNG has learned that Cyprus based broker tech solutions provider Wintrado Technologies has hired Yossi Gafni as the company's new CEO.
před 4 měsíci
MK Gafni says UTJ will shelve objections to Rabbis Law II despite previous objections
The Times of Israel
MK Moshe Gafni says the Haredi party will shelve its objections to the so-called Rabbis Law II, as long as it is consulted before future readings.
před 2 měsíci
Could crowded Tahoe evacuate fast enough from an inferno? New study presents dire scenarios
San Francisco Chronicle
AI firm, fire consulting group team up to model wildfire emergencies in popular areas of Lake Tahoe. Evacuations could take up to 14 hours.
před 4 měsíci
Netanyahu: Iran and the conscription law are twin threats that must be resolved
The Jerusalem Post
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called on coalition members on Monday to come together and resolve the two largest threats to Israel: Iran and the...
před 2 měsíci
Coalition lawmaker Gafni accuses Labor’s Lazimi of abandoning the hostages
The Times of Israel
Lazimi has been active in advocating for the hostages, participating in a march from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem to draw attention to the issue and...
před 4 měsíci
Month after deadline, Israel's 2025 budget bills brought to Knesset
The Jerusalem Post
The total budget for 2025 will be approximately NIS 706 billion, and include budget cuts relative to the 2024 budget, totaling about NIS 37...
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