The two books in this set provide material and analysis that will intrigue all readers interested in Kabbalah and the subject of enlightenment.--publisher.
The scholarly study of the texts traditionally regarded as sacred in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam has been an important aspect of Wissenschaft des Judentums and was often conceptualized as part of Jewish theology.
PRAISE FOR THE NEW ENTREPRENEURZ “This book, these guys, and the FreshBiz game are shifting the mind-set of the world—it certainly has mine.” —Jon Vroman, author of Living College Life in the Front Row, creator of The Front Row ...
This book is a collection of studies providing a unique view on two central aspects of poetry: sounds and emotive qualities, with emphasis on their interactions.
From the author of the award-winning book, Your Unique Self: The Radical Path to Personal Enlightenment, in which Marc Gafni presents his view of the emergence of the personal beyond the impersonal, self beyond ego, we bring you the ...
In order to genuinely move beyond ego, beyond the false self-or even more precisely, beyond exclusive identification with ego-you need authentic and sustained contact with the transcendent, with the intention of facilitating your own ...