Oranjestad, Aruba / Weather
10denní předpověď počasí pro Oranjestad, Aruba, Aruba
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Částečně zataženo. Nejnižší teploty 29 ° C. Vítr V o rychlosti 15 - 30 km/h. Vlhkost78%. UV index0 z 11. Východ měsíce13:57. Dorůstající Měsíc.
Oranjestad, Aruba, Aruba Weather Forecast, with current conditions, wind, air quality, and what to expect for the next 3 days.
Datum: 11.10. Teplota: 29 / 33°. Datum: 12.10.
People also ask
What mosquito borne illness is in Aruba?
Dengue Fever
The mosquito that spreads dengue bites during the day and is more common in urban areas. Symptoms include fever, headache, severe joint, bone and muscular pain - hence its other name 'breakbone fever'. There is no vaccine and prevention is through avoidance of mosquito bites.
What month has the best weather in Aruba?
The best time to visit Aruba is from mid-January through May. Those months mark the heart of Aruba's dry season and the island's long stretch of comfortably warm, sunny days. The island lies in the far south of the Caribbean, below the hurricane belt, the region most affected by seasonal storms.
What is the temperature in Aruba in March?
March Weather in Aruba Aruba. Daily high temperatures are around 87°F, rarely falling below 84°F or exceeding 89°F. Daily low temperatures are around 78°F, rarely falling below 75°F or exceeding 80°F.
What is the name of Aruba cruise port?
The Aruba (Oranjestad) Cruise Port serves as the gateway to one of the region's most popular vacation destinations—Aruba, in the Dutch Caribbean.
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V 30 km/h. Většinou zataženo. Nejnižší teploty 28 ° C. Vítr V o rychlosti 25 - 40 km/h. Vlhkost84%. UV index0 z 11. Východ měsíce21:39. Ubývající Měsíc.