This work is intended to encourage awareness and support for mothers who experience postpartum depression by creating a visual representation for how the illness manifests.
... deprese je psychologicky vysvětlitelná ( viz re- aktivní deprese ) , nebo zda jde o depresi , která vznikla nemotivovaně . Rozlišení mezi těmito dvěma typy deprese má zásadní diagnostický význam ( viz tabulka 51 ) . Dále je třeba ...
Sample copies of 25 instruments in the public domain are included. For instruments commercially available, samples of instrument content and information about how to purchase them are provided. Lacks a subject index.
The authors review the range of late-life depressive syndromes and the strategies for assessing and treating them, and illustrate the problems and principles with fourteen extended case studies-rare in the geropsychology literature and the ...
Review of the first edition “The discussion papers are excellent. I strongly recommend this masterfully edited book, which remarkably succeeds in combining research evidence and clinical experience.