An engaging treatment of an 800-year-old problem explores the occurrence of Fibonacci numbers in number theory, continued fractions, and geometry. Its entertaining style will appeal to recreational readers and students alike.
This book contains nineteen papers from among the twenty-five papers presented at the Second International Conference on Fibonacci Numbers and Their Applications.
This book contains 33 papers from among the 41 papers presented at the Eighth International Conference on Fibonacci Numbers and Their Applications which was held at the Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, New York, from June 22 to ...
Proceedings of `The Seventh International Research Conference on Fibonacci Numbers and Their Applications', Technische Universität, Graz, Austria, July 15-19, 1996
The book features various aids and insights that allow readers to develop a complete understanding of the presented topics, including: Real-world examples that demonstrate the application of the Fibonacci and the Catalan numbers to such ...
Fibonacci helped to revive the West as the cradle of science, technology, and commerce, yet he vanished from the pages of history. This is Devlin's search to find him. -- Back cover.
Do you see the pattern? Each number above is the sum of the two numbers before it. Though most of us are unfamiliar with it, this numerical series, called the Fibonacci sequence, is part of a code that can be found everywhere in nature.