The large funeral of Winthrop's time was bigger, more visible, and more elegant than earlier ceremonies, so different that contemporaries worried about the ...
in author's possession); “The California Association of Colored Women's Clubs was formed in 1905 as an affiliate of the National Association of Colored Women's ...
... Francis Barker and Peter Hulme, “Nymphs and Reapers Heavily Vanish: The Discursive Contexts of The Tempest”; Paul Brown, “'This thing of darkness I ...
New England studies already show discernible signs of new developments. One important shift involves an expansion of scope and methodologies.
sole edition of the author's only published book, a poetical collection prefaced by an essay on english verse, in which the examples are drawn largely from ...
Hugh. "The Defense of Art Criticism Since 7930." InThe. Deaelopment of American Literary Criticism. Ed. Floyd Stovall. Chapel Hill: University of North ...
Focusing on human engagements with water, this article steps back from specifically cultural or historical contexts in order to trace the larger patterns of ...
This Doctoral Dissertation is brought to you for free and open access by ThinkIR: The University of Louisville's. Institutional Repository.
III. When bo*ks are taken from the Library, entry must be made on the BOOK-CARD found inside each b«ok of the borrower's name and.
Eroding Beaches- This photograph of two World War II-era U.S. Army towers in the surf north of Rehoboth Beach provides a perfect metaphor for man's changing ...