Manfred Elsig is Professor of International Relations, Deputy Managing Director and Director of Research of the World Trade Institute of the University of Bern.
Manfred Elsig is Deputy Managing Director and Professor of International Relations at the World Trade Institute of the University of Bern, ...
Manfred Elsig

Manfred Elsig

Manfred Elsig je zástupcem generálního ředitele a profesorem mezinárodních vztahů na World Trade Institute na univerzitě v Bernu ve Švýcarsku. Od roku 2013 do ukončení projektu v roce 2017 byl ředitelem obchodní regulace NCCR financované... Wikipedia (angličtina)
Professor of International Relations - 4.130-mal zitiert - IPE - Trade - International Organizations - International Courts
“Thinking about Performance in the Context of the World Trade Organization: An. Interdisciplinary Perspective”, in M. Elsig, B. Hoekman and J. Pauwelyn ...
... 2. 2. 570 · Manfred Elsig · @manfredelsig. ·. Oct 13, 2023. 1st day of this year's World Trade Forum under way, hello Florence. Image.
Professor at World Trade Institute of the University of Bern, Switzerland · Berufserfahrung: World Trade Institute (WTI) · Standort: Yens · 500+ Kontakte ...
Professor, World Trade Institute (WTI). About us. Our mission · Our Institutional Framework · History · Leadership and governance · Our Impact.
Elsig, Manfred (12 September 2016). Globalisierung und Freihandel werden immer mehr hinterfragt (Radiointerview von Nicoletta Cimmino mit Manfred Elsig). In: ...
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