Merrill Monroe Jensen was an American historian, whose research and writing focused on the ratification of the United States Constitution.
Merrill Jensen

Merrill Jensen

Americký historik
Merrill Monroe Jensen byl americký historik, jehož výzkum a psaní se zaměřilo na ratifikaci ústavy Spojených států. Jeho historické výklady jsou obecně považovány za „progresivní školu“ amerických dějin, jejímž nejslavnějším představitelem byl... Wikipedia (angličtina)
Datum narození: 16. července 1905, Elk Horn, Iowa
Úmrtí: 30. ledna 1980, Madison, Wisconsin
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Merrill Jensen was an American historian of the mid 20th century. Born in rural Iowa, Jensen became a school teacher immediately after completing high school ...
Hodnocení (2) · 44,95 US$
In this book Merrill Jensen truly shows the battle between the forming Federalist elite and the people during the Confederation era. Using their writings Jensen ...
Merrill Jensen never romanticized America's Revolutionary Era or the task of those who write its history. His founding fathers manipulated, prevaricated,.
22,95 US$
Merrill Jensen. “Here is a book which deals with clashes between economic and political factors in the American Revolution as realistically as if its author ...
Merrill Monroe Jensen was an American historian whose research and writing focused on the ratification of the United States Constitution.
"Here is a book which deals with clashes between economic and political factors in the American Revolution as realistically as if its author were dealing ...
Merrill Boyd Jenson (born January 20, 1947) is an American composer and arranger who has composed film scores for over thirty films.
Books by Merrill Jensen · The Articles of Confederation: An Interpretation of the Social-Constitutional History of the American · The Founding of a Nation: A ...