Samuel Kettell (1800–1855) was an American writer. He also wrote under the name "Sampson Short-and-fat". He compiled Specimens of American Poetry, ...
Personal Narrative of the First Voyage of Columbus to America. from a Manuscript Recently Discovered.
Samuel Kettell byl americký spisovatel. Psal také pod jménem „Sampson Short-and-fat“.
Sestavil Specimens of American Poetry, with Critical and Biographical Notices, první ucelenou antologii americké poezie, kterou vydal Samuel Griswold Goodrich v... Wikipedia (angličtina)
Datum narození: 5. srpna 1800, Newburyport, Massachusetts
Úmrtí: 1855, Malden, Massachusetts
Specimens of American poetry with critical and biographical notices
Specimens of American poetry
Yankee Notions: A Medley
Quozziana: Or, Letters from Great Goslington, Mass., Giving an Account of the Quoz Dinner, and Other Matters
Specimens of American Poetry, with Critical and Biographical Notices
Specimens of American Poetry,: With Critical and Biographical Notices. In Three Volumes.; V.3
KETTELL, Samuel, editor, born in Newburyport, Massachusetts, 5 August, 1800; died in Malden, Massachusetts, 3 December, 1855. Early in life he assisted Samuel G ...
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Looking for books by Samuel Kettell? See all books authored by Samuel Kettell, including Quozziana, Or, Letters from Great Goslington, Mass.
[X-Info] Kettell, Samuel, 1800-1855: Personal narrative of the first voyage of Columbus to America. From a manuscript recently discovered in Spain. (T. B. Wait ...
Massachusetts hack writer employed by S.G. Goodrich, edited Specimens of American Poetry (3 vols., 1829), an ardently patriotic collection of 189 writers, ...
Samuel Kettell has 24 books on Goodreads with 4 ratings. Samuel Kettell's most popular book is I, Columbus : My Journal :1492-1493.
900,00 US$
Specimens of American Poetry with Critical and Biographical Notices. Kettell, Samuel, editor. Boston: S. G. Goodrich and Co, 1829. Price: $900.00.
Discover life events, stories and photos about Samuel Kettell (1642–1694) of Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America.
Yankee Notions. Front Cover. Samuel Kettell. BoD – Books on Demand, Sep 1, 2024 - Fiction - 264 pages. Reprint of the original, first published in 1838.