Considers S. 3102 and companion H.R. 13196 to improve training facilities and grant programs for medical students, and S. 509 and companion H.R. 3348, to provide 3 year program of grants for veterinary educational facility construction.
Considers (80) S. 71, (80) S. 105, (80) S. 133, (80) S. 73, (80) S. 120, (80) S. 121, (80) S. 122, (80) S. 123, (80) S. 124, (80) S.J. Res. 8, (80) S. 55, (80) S.J. Res. 22.
Considers S. 1125, and related S. 382, S. 1126, S. 1253, S. 1374, H.R. 7819, and H.R. 10943, to delay the enactment of local school tax deduction revisions, and to extend authority for allocation of funds for: the National Teachers Corps; ...