Výsledky zahrnují i dotaz inauthor: Phillip Zoercher
Vyhledat pouze inauthor: Philip Zoercher
They were the parents of at least 1 son and 2 daughters. He lived in Indianapolis, Marion, Indiana, United States for about 20 years and Tell, Algeria in 1947.
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ZOERCHER, PHILIP: 1866-1947. ZWEIG, RUTH GLAZER (MRS. ELMER S.): 1914- · ZWINGER, ANN HAYMOND (MRS. HERMAN H.): 1925- · Index. collapse section Collapse All ...
Results for "philip zoercher". Name: Philip Zoercher. Birth: 1 October 1866 Tell City, Perry, Indiana. Death: 25 June 1947 INANAPOLIS, Indiana.
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Action by Robert B. Agler and others against Philip Zoercher and the other members of the State Board of Tax Commissioners and others. From a judgment for the ...
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ZOERCHER, PHILIP: 1866-1947. ZWEIG, RUTH GLAZER (MRS. ELMER S.): 1914 ... She attended Valparaiso University and was graduated (1939) from Indiana Normal College, ...
Born in Tell City, Perry, Indiana on 1 October 1866 to Christian Zoercher and Mary Anna Christ. Philip Zoercher married Martha Jane McAdams and had 3 children.
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5. 7. 2017 · Description: Official bi-monthly publication of the American Shetland Pony Club and American Miniature Horse Registry.
Philip Neri's crew, shown here, survived the regular-season bloodletting and a division play-off with St. Anthony to make it to the league's title contest ...
Returning to the question of the layman's role in the Church, he said: "I rather think that in the future there will be less em-.