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1. metadata popisující originální rukopisný zdroj ( 2 Metadata popisující rukopis). 2. metadata popisující digitalizované obrazy originálního rukopisného ...
The main objectives of CECEM 2018 included peer-learning, networking, transfer of knowledge and sharing research experiences and best practices. Participants ...
A positive motivation for abstinence was independence, self-control, achievements in treatment, plans for the future and positive relationships with close ...
11. 9. 2014 · DUNN, R. S. & J.K DUNN. Teaching students through their individual learning styles. Reston. 1978. ISBN 08-790-9808-2. FELDER, R. & R. R. ...
11. 4. 2019 · Taylor JJ, Preshaw PM, Lalla E. A review of the evidence for patho genic mechanisms that may link periodontitis and diabetes. J Clin Peri.
[16] KHARE, R. S. 2009. Pollution and Purity. In: Encyclopedia of. Social and Cultural Anthropology. Taylor and Francis. Published: 05-. 30-2002. Prıstupné na ...
4. 11. 2014 · You also want an ePaper? Increase the reach of your titles. YUMPU automatically turns print PDFs into web optimized ePapers that Google loves.
12. 7. 2015 · ... R. S. 2009. Pollution and Purity. In: Encyclopedia ofSocial and Cultural Anthropology. Taylor and Francis. Published: 05-30-2002. Prístupné ...
Popis hotelu. Umístění. Hotel se nachází v klidné oblasti, asi 5 km od centra města Midoun a asi 15 km od hlavního města ostrova Houmt Souk s tradičním ...
J Strength Cond Res 25: , 2011 TAYLOR, R. S., a kol. Exercise-based rehabilitation for patients with coronary heart disease: systematic review and meta ...