... TradAp extra betont wird.186 Die Taufe ist also nicht allein die „Zulassungsbedingung“ für die Teilnahme an der Eucharistiefeier, die Taufe initiiert auch zur Teilnahme an den sonstigen Gemeindemählern, die gerade nicht als „profane ...
... TRADAP (Traditional Doctors AIDS Project), which was one of the healers' organizations that had participated in the workshop. The pamphlet advises: "TO CIRCUMCISE IS THE BEST REMEDY TO REDUCE SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES." I was told ...
... TradAp ist dies die Eucharistie zum Abschluss der Bischofsweihe . Die dort formulierten Vorstellungen dürften für beide Eucharistien der TradAp gelten , auch wenn klar 160 „ Herr , Gott , der du sie gewürdigt hat , durch das Bad der ...
... (Trad. ap. 8; cf. Const. ap. 8.3.17-18,19 [deaconesses]; T. Dom. 1.38). Confessors who have been imprisoned are to assume the office of presbyter by virtue thereof, without receiving episcopal ordination (Trad. ap. 9; Can. Hip. 6; T. Dom ...
... ( Trad . ap . 20.1 ) , and the sponsor again bears wit- ness ( Trad . ap . 20.2 ) . From that moment , with the catechumens now assembled with the electi ( the elected ) , daily exorcisms occur until , finally , the bishop conducts an ...
... Trad . ap . 22 as indicating that the whole community was present on Sunday morning and on Trad . ap . 25.1 , which refers to " those believers who are present ? However , the material in these chapters is difficult in the extreme ...
... ( Trad . ap . 21. 39–40 ) .1 163 Hippolytus further advises that in public worship catechumens are to pray separately from the baptized ( or faithful ) following the sermon and do not par- ticipate in the kiss of peace ( Trad . ap . 18 ) ...
... Trad . ap . gibt keine Auskunft darüber , wo diese Unterweisung der Taufbewerber stattfand . Es heißt zwar , daß die Lehrer die Taufbewerber prüften , ' bevor das ganze Volk eintrat ' , 228 das heißt doch wohl , bevor sich die Gemeinde ...
... Trad. ap. 22; 35+36+37. From ch. 25 “He [the bishop] should not say “sursum corda,” for that is said in the morning ... Trad. ap.18. 76 Trad. ap. 19; 37. 77 Trad. ap. 35; 41. 78 Trad. ap. 39. 79 the gatherings of christians in the ...
... (Trad. ap. 20.3). Another prebaptismal exorcism carried out by the bishop is ordered to be performed on Saturday, before the Sunday of baptism, including kneeling and laying of hands and followed by breathing on the candidates and ...