... U.S dollar at presstime HOW TO MEET THE SPIRIT OF THE MOUNTAIN. Write: Killington. » SEASONS NOT TO STAY AT HOME ... koruna France franc Italy lira Norway krone Sweden krona Switzerland franc W. Germany deutschemark Yugoslavia dinar ...
... USD over 1 month to March 5. 26 currencies taken) The Czech koruna set a multi-year high against thedollarand theeuro in the past fortnight, after government reports showed the economy unexpectedly expanded at the fastest pace in two ...
... U.S. Ski Team. For information circle our number. 23. DUPONT — Through thick and thin, Dupont's new insulation meet the test for modern active skiwear. Quallofil* — the ... dollar Czechoslovakia koruna France franc READER'S SERVICE.
... dollar I d > e mark dire«. r 60 retail outlets in al eel The Czech aim i raise American dollar niilar the En& Decca American lab( jective) for nalive diskerie n irn intend to purchase d -making equipmei andi materials lie money. Hammond ...
... Czech, German, and onomatopoeia: "Slechno!" "Fraulein!" "Hallo!" "Bier, Slivovice, Kolachky! Yum-yum!" "How do they ... dollar. Rehydrating with world famous Czech beer is cheaper than drinking water, and in many larger towns, it ...
... Czech rate is 1 6 crowns to the dollar and we were being offered 40 or 45 to the dollar, back there in the dark alleys. Why? Well, it's illegal to take Czech money out of the country. Even if you could, most countries will not accept it in ...
... koruna ($140,000) this year. That's three times the 1.95 million koruna ($50,000) generated by online music sales in ... U.S. dollar to 52 cents which has made Australia an increasingly attractive purchasing source. So did the ...
... dollars based on the official exchange rate tends to inflate their value. There are three record producing companies ... Czech orchestras and soloists, some of whom enjoy international renown. It is this kind of material which ...
... dollar deal is the largest the company has made in its 85-year history. The contract also covers material recorded by Marley, Tosh, and Wailer together after the latter two left the group, though this material is dependent on the ...
... exchange rate of the Australian dollar by exporting domestic product to overseas affiliates. Nevertheless, there are positive signs. CD albums shifted 49.6 million units compared with 43.9 million in 2000, and CD singles rose to 12.3 ...