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videoplus from
... Video Plus/Chipnun Sales Eddie Hull & AxsociaiM Bate* Machine Company Todd Hull Lumber Jimmy's Used Cars DAR SepL 9 Games Estes 13. Jimmy's 3 Eddie Hull 18, Todd Hull 2 Video Plus 22. DAR 13 Sept. 14 Games Video Plus 21. Todd Hull 16 ...
videoplus from
... Videoplus. Youngsters scanned the racks for "Teen-Age Mutant Ninja Turtles." High-school girls giggled at a Patrick Swayze poster. And John Schnaubelt, one of a half-dozen adults in the store, went to the counter with two tapes that ...
videoplus from
Video Plus onens shoi. Frauhiger Warsaw has opened Video Plus, 230 E. Eighth St., the city's seventh location to rent video tape movies. "We will have the largest selecin Fulton County," Frauhiger said. The business, in the same building ...
videoplus from
Men's Softball. VideoPlus 847 32-24 Argos Merchants OOO 13—4 Argos Merchants 006222 1-13 VideoPlus.. 212 056 x— NobleRomans 520 100 2 Rumors 4020401-11. Rumors NobleRomans. 820 69 — 40002- 02 -
videoplus from
... VIdeoPlus 003001 0-4 Craig's II 221 001 x — 6 Craig's II 002 002 O — 4 VIdeoPlus Ill 302 x-8 Sloane's 10 Mike's Plasm 7 Rumors 100 10—2 TheDen 3OO 27-12 The Den 2(10) 110-14 Rumors 0(0) 100-
videoplus from
... Video Plus. Richardson also founded Dark Horse Productions, which last year made the ntovio "Dr. Giggles" and this year is working on "The Mask and Time Cop," whiui stars Jt-an Claude Van Damme. Wcawido Video Plus, which also sells ...
videoplus from
Greenwood Station Congratulates Video Plus. 1 ' >> '.• '\ :i ' ,•'! 1- • "•' • r> M i Af j^t^j_s_i .£•..:._ _T^**^jg?a«iL^,_'!i^T~g'^ * i/y "*." Johnny Webb, owner of Greenwood ... Video Plus in the Greenwood Station Shopping Center.
videoplus from
... Associates Video Plus/Clupman Sales Estes Machine Company Todd Hull Lumber Jimmy's Used Cars. Scpl. 23 Games Video Plus 13, Todd Hull 6 Eddie Hull 16, D*R 11 Exits 11. Video Plus 10 Todd Hull 11, Jimmy's 5 Eddie Hull 19, Jimmy's 1.
videoplus from
... Video Plus.... 33 63 High Individual Cochran, average, Nicodemus. 193, 194, Brian Drew Kraig. '•. '•. "I "I Smith, 189; Roy Sut- ion, 187. Paul Davis, 85: team h-cap series, Video Plus, 3160; game, Video Plus, 1113; Ind, scratch series ...
videoplus from
... Video Plus 10 Eddie Hull 25, DAR 7 Estes 11, Jimmy's 3 Ocl. 25 Games Todd Hull 13, Jimmy's 2 (Jimmy's eliminated) DAR 15. Video Plus 5, (Video Plus eliminated) DAR 27. Todd Hull II (Todd Hull eliminated) Estes 10, Eddie Hull 7 Ocl. 2 ...