
Gall-Petersova projekcia (Gall–Peters projection)

Gall-Petersova projekce je pravoúhlá mapová projekce o stejné ploše. Stejně jako všechny rovnoplošné projekce deformuje většinu tvarů. Jedná se o válcovou projekci o stejné ploše se zeměpisnými šířkami 45° severní a jižní šířky jako oblasti na... Wikipedia (angličtina)
The Gall–Peters projection is a rectangular, equal-area map projection. Like all equal-area projections, it distorts most shapes.
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In place of the Mercator projection, Peters advocated the use of a projection that is known technically as the Gall equal-area projection, but is now popularly ...
11. 10. 2024 · The revolutionary Peters Projection Map presents countries in their true proportion to one another. Find out more information here.
The Gall-Peters map shows countries such as Australia and Africa in their actual size, which helps to challenge the notion of a "north-centric" worldview. The ...
Hodnocení (167) · 49,99 US$ · Skladem
The Peters Projection Map depicts all countries' land area accuratelywhen compared to each other, resulting in a less culturally / politically biased map.
64,99 US$ až 1 139,99 US$ Skladem
The Peters Projection Map depicts all countries' land area accurately when compared to each other, resulting in a less culturally and politically biased map.
79,00 £ až 265,00 £ Skladem
The Gall-Peters projection represents our world more realistically by keeping the real proportions between the sizes of the continents.
Based on a mathematical formula that Gall first proposed in the 19th century, Peters projected an image of the world that attempted to capture the size of ...
19. 8. 2022 · The Gall-Peters projection map presents all countries in the correct in size in relation to each other. This map is appropriate for Oikocredit.
The Gall-Peters projection is one specialization of a configurable equal-area map projection known as the equal-area cylindric or cylindrical equal-area ...