kúpeľne.EMPIRIA | Košice
Bathroom supply store in Košice, Slovakia
Address: Prešovská cesta 77, 040 01 Košice, Slovakia
Hours: Closed ⋅ Opens 7 AM Mon
Phone: +421 904 497 334 ⋅ +421 55/321 03 25
Kúpeľne Empiria. Najmodernejšie štúdiá na Slovensku s pomocou aktualizovaných vzoriek a VR okuliarov dokážu zreálniť každú predstavu klienta o novom ...
The largest city in eastern Slovakia. It is situated on the river Hornád at the eastern reaches of the Slovak Ore Mountains, near the border with Hungary.
Experience the lively Elipsa city. Everything you need to know about your stay in Košice, all in one place.
ELKEM, s.r.o. Košice Žižkova 39, 040 01 Košice Slovensko. PREDAJŇA, SHOWROOM: (overenie stavu zákazky, overenie skladovej dostupnosti). Tel.: +421 55 72 81 ...
VODOARM - kúpeľňové štúdio Košice. Luxusné obklady dlažby, mozaiky sklenené, z prírodného kameňa, z kovu, z dreva, sklenené mozaiky, vodovodné batérie.
Sep 24, 2024 - Rent from people in Košice, Slovakia from $20/night. Find unique places to stay with local hosts in 191 countries.
Its economy is mainly industrial, but its physical centre is the attractive and extensive old town, gathered around a pedestrian high street and town square.
The city is looking for innovative, cost-effective solutions that could address these issues and improve traffic flow at the intersections.
studiopo@empiria.sk. Košice. Prešovská cesta 77 040 01 Košice 055/3210 325-326 ... Slovakia. Sanela. Novaservis. Riho. Havos. Schell. Santech. Marazzi. Krajcar.
Od konzultácii až po realizáciu. Všetko na jednom mieste. Konzultácie. Navštívte naše kúpeľňové štúdio a spoločne s našim poradcom preberiete Vaše predstavy a ...