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7 Things You Should Know About Bed Bug Eggs

September 21st, 2018

mattress bed bug eggs
mattress bed bug eggs

If you see bed bug eggs, it’s best to handle it as soon as possible. Once the bugs hatch and the infestation spreads, it can quickly become a big problem. Calling to schedule bed bug elimination treatment is the first step to getting the situation under control as easily as possible. 

In the meantime, here are a few things you should know when it comes to bed bugs and their eggs.

1. Signs Of Bed Bugs

If you wake up with some itchy spots on your body and your skin is crawling just thinking about bed bugs, you have two options. One, call a pest control company and let a professional technician handle the inspection. Or, two, begin personally checking your mattress and furniture to confirm your suspicion.

If you’re not sure how to proceed, start by looking for a few signs of bed bugs:

  • Reddish-brown spots on your bed sheets or mattress. This happens when bed bugs or bed bug eggs are crushed.
  • Smaller, dark spots on your sheets or mattress. These are most likely bug excrement.
  • Bed bug eggs or shells. These are very small at about 1mm. Bed bug eggs are round and take on a pale-yellow coloring.
  • Live bed bugs crawling around. If you see one bed bug, it’s likely that there are more nearby since a female bed bug will lay hundreds of eggs. It’s time to call for help to treat the area as soon as possible.

2. Their Hiding Spots

You can find most bed bugs and bed bug eggs in and around a mattress – in the seams, the piping, or around the box spring. However, they do hide in other places, including:

  • Seams of couches, chairs, and between cushions
  • Seams or flaps of your drapes or curtains
  • Between the joints of drawers
  • The crease where the ceiling and the wall meet
  • In extreme cases of infestation, you can even find bed bugs in the head of a screw.

3. How to Identify Bed Bugs And Other Pests

Sometimes, it can be difficult to determine if you have bed bugs or something else living on your mattress or furniture. For a bed bug-certified technician, bed bugs and bed bug eggs are easy to spot. However, to the untrained eye, bed bug eggs look very similar to other common pests, including:

  • Spider Beetles
  • Cockroach Nymphs
  • Carpet Beetles
  • Bat Bugs
  • Booklice

If you see something that remotely looks like a bed bug or bed bug eggs, it’s always best to call in the professionals rather than take the chance of a bigger infestation. Bed bugs can lay eggs everywhere which increases the amount of bed bugs quickly. 

4. What Bed Bugs Look Like

Now that you know where to search for them, you might wonder exactly what adult bed bugs look like. Adult bed bugs tend to be a reddish-brown color and have an oval-shaped body. They are about the size of an apple seed. Bed bugs can either be flat or have a more balloon-like shape, depending if they have recently eaten. Like ticks and fleas, bed bugs need a blood meal to survive.

It’s not always easy to identify a bed bug bite either. Some people have no reaction to bed bug bites. Others experience itching and redness after a bed bug feeds. It’s nearly impossible to identify the type of bug by a bite alone, especially considering bed bug bites can look similar to flea bites, chigger bites, hives, and even eczema.

It’s also important to note that there isn’t a difference between the bite of male and female bed bugs which can make it difficult to know whether or not to expect more bed bug eggs.

5. What Causes Bed Bugs?

People often associate a bed bug infestation with a dirty home. Unfortunately, keeping your house clean isn’t enough to keep bed bugs at bay. Bed bugs can live in almost any environment as long as they have access to food. They aren’t picky house guests either and don’t care if you changed your sheets last week or last year.

You can find bed bug eggs on planes, trains, and taxis. They also hide in offices, hotels, movie theaters, and restaurants. In 2017, the Phoenix area reported 16 public areas with bed bugs. So it’s safe to say anywhere with people can also have bed bugs.

Unfortunately, bed bugs are hitchhikers. If you sit on an airplane seat or sleep in a hotel with bed bugs, you risk bringing your new creepy friends home with you. Before you relax, take a minute to inspect your surroundings. If you do happen to bring some home, know that you should call Budget Brothers at the first sign of bed bugs.

6. What Kills Bed Bugs And Their Eggs In The Mattress?

One common question when dealing with bed bug infestations is how you can get rid of bed bug eggs. Bed bug eggs are resilient and not easily removed by simply washing. Washing your bedding and clothing in hot water can help kill bed bugs and their eggs, but it’s not a foolproof method. High heat is extremely important for effective egg elimination.

However, bed bugs and their eggs can still cling to fabric surfaces, which makes it crucial to use high heat and a thorough drying to ensure their destruction. It’s especially challenging to wash away mattress bed bug eggs. For the most effective treatment, it’s advisable to combine washing with other pest control measures to fully kill bed bug eggs.

7. What Kills Bed Bugs And Their Eggs In The Mattress?

When trying to eliminate bed bugs and their eggs from a mattress, it’s essential to use effective methods. While washing bedding in hot water can help, the mattress itself requires special attention. Here are some methods to kill bed bugs and every bed bug egg in a mattress:

Steam Cleaning

Using a high-temperature steam cleaner can effectively kill bed bugs and their eggs in the mattress seams. The high heat is lethal to these pests.


Regularly vacuuming your mattress and its surroundings can help remove bed bugs, bed bug nymphs, and eggs. Be sure to use a vacuum with a HEPA filter to capture all the particles.


Mattress encasements or bed bug-proof covers can prevent bed bugs from entering or escaping from your mattress. This is a useful preventive measure.

Professional Pest Control

For severe infestations, it’s best to consult professional pest control services. They have access to specialized treatments and equipment to effectively eliminate bed bugs and their eggs from mattresses and other hiding spots.

A comprehensive approach, including treating the entire living area and not just the mattress, is often necessary for completely eliminating bed bugs. Always follow safety guidelines and consider seeking professional assistance when dealing with a significant bed bug problem.

Eliminate Bed Bug Infestation With Budget Brothers

If you’re dealing with a bed bug infestation and need expert assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to the professionals. At Budget Brothers Termite & Pest Services, we specialize in effective pest control solutions, including removing bed bugs. Our experienced team is here to help you reclaim your home from these unwanted pests.

Contact us today for a thorough inspection and tailored treatment plan to eliminate bed bugs and their eggs. Don’t let a pest infestation disrupt your peace of mind; let Budget Brothers be your trusted partner in pest control.

Your comfort and peace of mind in your home are our priority. Contact the premier pest control professionals to get started today.

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