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Yellow crust red red rash

Any other mommies have this problem? My son is 6 weeks old with this really bad rash and yellow crust it's on his face ears and neck I'm cleaning it daily but it's seems to not want to go away or ease up, we're going on week three with this. Help or advise on what to do would be great

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does he have cradle cap as well? my son has cradle cap and a rash like this on his chest. it was on his ears and between his eyebrows as well. i've been using head and shoulders and it's starting to clear up

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That's cradle cap. Use aquafor several times a day. It's itchy for him so keep nails short

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My LO was 4 weeks old when I noticed a yellow scab on top of his baby acne. The pediatrician said it was a common staph infection (I believe is what she said). She gave me some ointment to apply a few times a day and it cleared up in less than 3 days. I would recommend getting it checked out.

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My son had the exact same thing all over his face at 6 weeks. I wanted to go natural route so tried breastmilk, which didn't help. I wanted to wait to see if it would clear up on its own but it was getting worse by the day. Eventually I did take him to pediatrician which is important only because it could be infected, and if it is, they will prescribe antibiotics. For my son it was not infected but the doctor prescribed them out of precaution (I didn't give because there was no reason to and antibiotics are no joke) and he also prescribed Hydrocordisone cream .5%. It is a very mild strength. I had read that it was not good for baby skin and so I still waited to see if it would clear up but it continued to get worse, and eventually my dad, who is a doctor, put on a very thin layer. We did this only two times and it totally cleared up within two days and we got our precious baby face back!

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forgot to mention it is called seborrheic dermatitis. its the same as cradle cap but some babies get on the face and ears. also wanted to mention that although it is unsafe if used repeatedly longterm, my doctor said the hydrocordisone is fine for baby if used sparingly. also be sure it is 0.5%, as the typical 1% may be too strong. and for us it only took two light applications. if your baby is touching his face a lot with hands you might put mittens on him or socks over his hands when you apply the cream so he doesn't get it in his mouth.

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My son had eczema that looked exactly like that. Go to the doctor and get the appropriate medicated cream to clear it up and don't look back. I found that nothing sold in stores was strong enough to clear my sons eczema up completely.

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Hi there - My son is 4 weeks old and we are having this exact same problem with his skin for the past 2 weeks. He has the pimples, redness and yellow crusts on his face, scalp, ears, neck and chest. I'm just wondering what this turned out to be or how you treated it? Thanks! 
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My baby is 8 weeks now and he had this kind of cluster of pimples with yellow crust on it . I got it checked from our pedriatician and i also went to emergency they did all kind of blood test everything was normal, still wondering does anyone has seen such kind of baby acne . I am so worried about my son skin. Dont know what to do now . Please help

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My daughter had the same her ped said she had cradle cap & baby acne so she prescribed hydrocortisone cream 1% and it literally got so much better in one day !

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